Tonight’s dinner. Start with whatever veggies you have on hand. In this case, the rest of an onion, a pepper and eggplant (also known as aubergine—I’ve learned to love them) from my garden, and tomatoes from a coworker’s garden since mine aren’t quite ripe yet. You will also need a whole wheat burrito wrap, some hot sauce, and I suggest taco seasoning from Spice Hound.
Chop them all up and toss them in some olive oil over medium high heat until they brown. I’m still scared of hot oil, but I’m learning to deal with it. Start with the onion, add the eggplant, then the pepper towards the end. This is also good with tofu, zucchini and squash. Some people, not me, might like mushrooms.
Once browned, sprinkle the taco seasoning. While this is happening, if you have a glass cooktop, place a piece of tin foil over a burner, turn it on really low, and put the burrito wrap on it to warm it up.
Assemble the burrito wrap with the chopped tomatoes and hot sauce. You can also add shredded cheese, but I’m trying to keep the calories down.
Enjoy while watching an episode of Breaking Bad.